WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services) accounts can be requested via WRDS, see link below.
- Faculty accounts are available to all faculty of the Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University.
- Doctorate in Business Administration candidates in the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business are also eligible for accounts.
- Class accounts can only be requested by standing faculty of the Driehaus College of Business and provide a means for undergraduate and graduate students to use WRDS as part of a registered class or course project. Students registered to a class will share the account username and password. Class accounts permit unlimited simultaneous login and 10 simultaneous data requests. These accounts provide access to WRDS via web only, they do NOT include disk storage and they expire at the end of the quarter.
- Research Assistant accounts apply to students doing active research under faculty supervision. These accounts require a faculty sponsor.
- Visitor accounts apply to part-time faculty in the Driehaus College of Business. These accounts are subject to additional review by WRDS and may not be used after the visiting appointment ends.