Answered By: Sveta Stoytcheva
Last Updated: Jun 13, 2022     Views: 1844


You may request books in advance and have them waiting for you to pick up. Once requested,  please wait until you receive an email alert letting you know that the books are available. Do not assume we will be able to pull titles from the shelves on the same day requested. 

This service is available to current DePaul students, faculty, staff, alumni, and I-share patrons wanting to request physical materials held by DePaul for pickup at either the John T. Richardson Library or Loop Library.

Materials requested from one DePaul library for delivery to the other can take a few days depending on the day of the week the request was made. Materials requested from other I-Share libraries for delivery to DePaul will typically take 5-7 business days to arrive. 

Requesting a Book

  1. Locate your book using LibrarySearch, the search tool located on the library home page at library.depaul.eduScreenshot of the library homepage showing the LibrarySearch tool.
  2. To request items, you have to sign-in to your library account. You can do this directly from the search results screen. Sign in with your Campus Connect credentials. Screenshot of LibrarySearch highlighting the sign-in option
  3. Once you are signed in, click on the title of the book to additional information about the title and place your request. 
  4. Click on the Request button. 
  5. Fill out the required fields for Pickup Institution and Pickup Location. Select "DePaul University" as the pickup institution. Please be mindful that transferring a book from one DePaul campus to the other requires additional processing time.
  6. Once you click on the Send Request button, you will see an on screen confirmation that your request was placed. 
  7. You will receive an email notification once your item(s) are ready to pick up. How long it takes depends on a number of variables. DePaul books are usually available for pick up in a day or two. Books coming from other I-Share locations can take 5-7 business days to arrive. You can check on the status of your requests by navigating to My Requests from the menu in the top right corner of the screen. 
  8. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian